- [新闻动态]About the leading peer CORE quartz crystals2023年10月12日 16:50
Core Electronics has expanded its product base as it is now a franchised distributor of electronic components. Kohl specializes in passive, optoelectronic, semiconductor and electromechanical components such as: capacitors, connectors, leds, inductors, ferrite beads, potentiometers, relays, switches and more!
Whether it's selling our own products through a growing number of distributors, or marketing the products of others. It will always be CORE ELECTRONICS 'mission to meet the needs of our customers with professional care, knowledge, extraordinary courtesy and unmatched attention to detail.
A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses a piezoelectric material to vibrate the mechanical resonance of a crystal to produce an electrical signal with a precise frequency.- 阅读(39)
- [行业资讯]LVDS输出差分晶振X1G005351003300是一款低抖动振荡器2022年08月26日 16:19
- 日本爱普生LVDS晶振也就是我们所说的EPSON差分晶振,具有多种输出功能,能够轻易识别网络信号以及精确的处理双极信号.差分贴片晶体振荡器使用于产品中能够很容易地识别小信号,能够从容精确地处理'双极'信号,对外部电磁干扰(EMI)是高度免疫的.
- 阅读(634)
- 1金洛鑫电子提供海内外各大品牌5G基站用石英晶振产品和方案
- 2Silicon晶振550CD74M2500DGR光学模块应用VCXO振荡器
- 3IQXO-406-25超小型时钟振荡器提供小型化和高速运行
- 4北斗定位专用晶振CO4305-25.000-EXT-T-TR时钟振荡器
- 5蓝牙SOC和模块专用晶振EFR32BG27C320F768GJ39-AR
- 6KDS压控温补晶振1XXC26000MMA低功耗蓝牙灯控制模块应用
- 7微型32.768K振荡器ECS-2012MV-327KE-TR是智能仪器仪表专用晶振
- 8ECS-2520SMV-250-FP-TR晶体振荡器非常适合物联网应用
- 9温补晶振ECS-TXO-25CSMV-AC-260-AY-TR为精密应用提供超高的稳定性
- 10ECS-520-8-36B-CTN-TR紧凑型SMD晶体非常适合无线应用