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热门关键词 : 声表面滤波器陶瓷谐振器热敏晶体热敏晶振嘉硕晶振大河晶振亚陶晶振加高晶振TCXO晶振雾化片

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Q-Tech Crystal,欧美进口晶振介绍

作为美国领先的MIL-PRF-55310合格产品制造商以及航空航天公司TORGPS III)和NASA GSFC规格等超高可靠性标准,Q-Tech自豪地为军事,航空航天,井下服务,和我们的客户合作四十年,在深空工业中取得无限成功。由Q-Tech设计和制造的石英晶振在地壳以下数公里的范围内,以及远远超出太阳系的深空任务中都表现出色。

Q-Tech致力于通过优化公司的能力和资源(包括整个供应链管理),持续改进实现整体产品卓越性。Q-Tech Corporation完全支持传统计划。没有任何产品被淘汰。我们欢迎您的询问,您可能会发现我们要么有替代产品,合适的替代品,或者能够重新创建您需要的产品。





使用ISO 9001注册到AS9100

Q-Tech Corporation成立于1972年,旨在为要求苛刻的应用的公司提供最先进的时钟晶体振荡器和频率控制解决方案。公司的理念是,采用先进的振荡器技术制造的产品,致力于质量,准时交货和客户服务,将为我们的客户及其需求带来巨大的利益。

Q-Tech在美国加利福尼亚州卡尔弗城的35,000平方英尺的工厂内运营,通过了AS9100ISO 9001质量管理体系认证。公司在北美,欧洲和亚洲均设有销售部门,业务遍及全球。Q-Tech以其在体声波(BAW)和声表面滤波器SAW)器件方面的尖端设计和制造能力而闻名。它不断致力于研究和开发关键频率控制技术,从而改进了更高频率,小型化,低成本和新设计的领域。

Q-Tech Crystal,欧美进口晶振介绍

Q-Tech公司在高可靠性晶体振荡器制造方面处于领先地位,同时为高可靠性的军事,航天,井下和深空行业提供卓越的客户服务和准时交付,继续获得众多杰出奖项,表彰和荣誉。我们非常满意的客户。Q-Tech Crystal产品都经过质量一致性检验,A组测试分别有电气测试-频率温度稳定性-频率电压容差-过电压生存能力-视觉和机械-可焊性测试;B组测试-老化测试。测试方法有41种。

Q-Tech Corporation was founded in 1972 with the objective of providing state-of-the-art crystal clock oscillators and frequency control solutions for companies with demanding applications. The Company is built on the philosophy that products built from leading edge oscillator technology, with a dedication to quality, on-time delivery, and customer service, would be of great benefit to our customers and their needs.

Operating out of a 35,000 square-foot facility in Culver City, California, USA, Q-Tech is certified to the AS9100 and ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. The Company maintains a global presence with sales capabilities throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Q-Tech is renowned for its cutting-edge design and manufacturing capabilities in both bulk acoustic wave (BAW) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices. Its continued dedication to research and development of key frequency control technologies have allowed improvements in the areas of higher frequencies, miniaturization, lower costs, and new designs.

As the leading U.S. manufacturer of qualified products to MIL-PRF-55310 as well as ultra-high reliability standards such as Aerospace Corporation TOR (GPS III) and NASA GSFC specifications, Q-Tech proudly services the military, aerospace, down-hole, and deep space industries, achieving boundless success stories in our four decades of partnership with our customers. Parts designed and manufactured by Q-Tech have excelled in environments ranging from kilometers below the Earth’s crust, to deep space missions far beyond the Solar System.

Q-Tech is committed to continuous improvement in achieving overall product excellence by optimizing the company's capabilities and resources including total supply chain management.

Q-Tech Corporation fully supports legacy programs. No product has ever been obsoleted. We welcome your inquiries and you might find that we either have a drop in replacement product, a suitable substitute, or the ability to recreate the product you need.


The World’s leading supplier of crystal oscillators for Space, Military, Avionics, and High-Temperature applications.

XOs, TCXOs, VCXOs, OCXOs, SAWs, MCXOs, High-Temperature and High-Shock Oscillators.

A leader in low-phase noise crystal oscillators including OCXOs, TCXOs and SAWs.

Registered to AS9100 with ISO 9001.


    【本文标签】:Q-Tech Crystal Q-Tech晶振介绍